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Who we are
The RIMA group is a leader in the production and sale of magnesium and silicon-based alloys in Brazil. RIMA is the only primary magnesium producer in the southern hemisphere. RIMA’s products are manufactured from its own dolomite and high purity quartz reserves under processes certified by SA8000, ISO45001, ISO 14001, IATF 16949 and ISO 9001, in addition to being certified by FSC®-C121993.
Our goal is to continuously improve and surpass the standards of excellence in meeting our customer’s needs following strict quality controls. Our performance is based on our commitment to our employees, communities where we operate and to develop sustainably.

We are a 100% Brazilian company, established in 1987. In addition to being the only primary magnesium producer in the southern hemisphere, RIMA is the only vertically integrated magnesium producer in the world making OEM parts for the automotive industry. RIMA’s unique process reduces waste, transportation cost, and energy consumption.
Our plant in Bocaiuva is the second largest magnesium die-casting facility in the world where OEM parts are produced at competitive levels.
Under the administration of Ricardo Vicintin (President and CEO), more than 4,000 associates work in the following divisions: Die-Casting, Magnesium, Silicon Metal, Ferroalloys, Engineering, Mining, Forestry, Agriculture and Tourism.

Looking for the well-being, health and satisfaction of its employees and seeking to fulfill and honor its commitments to society and the environment, The RIMA Group has been developing a program aimed at improving the management systems of its production units based on ISO 9.001, ISO 14.001, ISO 45001, SA 8000 and FSC® Management standards using an Integrated Management System that establishes and demonstrates management policies on environmental, safety and occupational medicine, as well as social responsibility towards employees and neighbors.
To start the program, RIMA Mining, in Olhos D’Água, was used as a pilot. In May 2008, the implementation of the ISO 14001 standards began, resulting in this unit’s certifications in: SA 8000, OHSAS 18001, ISO 14001 and ISO 9001.
Parallel to this phase, the implementation of Integrated Management in various units of the group began. Today, we have ISO 9001 and ISO 14001 certifications for the units located in Captain Enéas, Várzea da Palma and Bocaiúva. In Bocaiúva, we also have the IATF 16949 certification in the production of injected and machined parts for the automobile industry.
In the Forestry Division, Buritizeiro unit, we have FSC® certification. These programs involve all associates and promote environmental and social improvements for the population of the cities where RIMA has its manufacturing units.
Technology and investment in new projects and equipment are important for a company’s growth. But they are useless if there are no professionals who are dedicated to the work and support the activities undertaken. People are the fundamental factors driving the evolution of companies.
Rima believes in its employees and recognizes them as its greatest asset. Thus, Rima invests in the continuous training of its employees. Facilitating their personal and professional growth, while promoting an ethical and transparent attitude.
Above all, we rely on proactive, dynamic and committed professionals. Our priority is the recruitment of local labor in the surrounding communities of our industrial units as a way to stimulate employment and local development.
The process of external recruitment and selection to fill vacancies in Rima’s units starts with evaluation of curriculums. Send us your resume and become part of our team!
Among the premises for a sustainable development, RIMA INDUSTRIAL S/A complies with all environmental and social laws, standards and regulations for the execution of its activities and seeks continuous improvement for environmental, social and occupational health, and safety risks through an integrated management system. All Rima’s production units comply with environmental guidelines including those related to water resources.
Operating Licenses – LO and other authorizing instruments establish the rules and criteria for the development of activities with the aim of mitigating the effects inherent to the operations, including the establishment of environmental control measures.
For the industrial units, renewals of the Operating Licenses were obtained. The Revalidation of the Operating License is the most objective demonstration of meeting a satisfactory environmental performance with effective control of its impacts through efficient and modern management systems.
Rima, besides promoting sustainable actions that values the preservation of the environment through the adoption of responsible and ecologically correct practices, also integrates environmental and social issues in a management model based on the performance standards of the IFC (International Finance Corporation).
IFC’s sustainability structure articulates the corporation’s strategic commitment to sustainable development. The performance standards are intended to help avoid, minimize and manage risks and impacts, as a way of doing business in a sustainable manner, following a methodology for prioritizing socio-environmental preservation actions.
In search of continuous improvement, RIMA is concluding the installation of baghouse systems in its units in Capitão Enéas, Bocaiuva and Várzea da Palma. This represents a major investment for the environment and demonstrates Rima’s commitment to sustainable development. Besides mitigating atmospheric emissions, the material retained in the filters (Microsilica), is sold, thus the waste is drastically reduced complying with the premises of the National Solid Waste Policy.
The history of the RIMA Group dates back from more than 50 years. It started in 1952 when Oswaldo Vicintin created Metalur Ltda in the city of Sao Paulo. In 1974, his son Ricardo Vicintin moved to Minas Gerais and founded Eletrometalur S/A, which in 1993 was renamed RIMA Industrial S/A.
Today, we are a company in constant evolution, operating worldwide and respecting the environment and the communities around us.
Find out some important facts of our history:
Construction of the first industrial unit (Eletrometalur) in the city of Várzea da Palma, north of Minas Gerais
In August 1975, Furnace 1 starts production of 50% Ferro Silicon, which was transformed into nodular alloys through ladle metallurgy.
Furnace 2 starts production of 75% Ferro Silicon.
In order to expand the production of ferroalloys, Furnace 3 starts the production of 75% Ferrosilicon, then changes to Calcium Silicon.
Year of foundation of Brasmag, the only national and Southern Hemisphere producer of metallic magnesium and its alloys. -
The operation of furnaces 4, 5 and 6 begins, all producing Silicon Metal. These furnaces stabilize production in 1980, 1984 and 1989 respectively.
The RIMA Group is founded, uniting, expanding and diversifying the operations of its production units.
RIMA Industrial Bocaiuva invests in a unit for the production of magnesium powder to serve magnesium market segments linked to desulfurization, welding, additives for the production of special high oxidation resistance refractories, grignard reagent, metal reduction and military applications. These uses for magnesium represent around 18% of the total Brazilian market and were served in the Brazilian market exclusively by imported products prior to the installation of Rima's primary magnesium plant in Bocaiuva
As a result of the investment in the magnesium powder production unit, RIMA now offers a complete service for the desulphurization of molten pig iron for the production of low sulfur and ultra low sulfur steels. As part of these molten pig iron desulphurization services, RIMA engineered and began supplying complete units for the co-injection of desulphurizing mixtures based on magnesium for the Brazilian steel industry.
Installation of the first injection molding machine for the production of magnesium die-castings under pressure, operating a world-revolutionary process, which works with molten metal and in-house recycling in perfect synergy with the primary magnesium plant. RIMA becomes the first and only fully integrated primary magnesium producer, producing magnesium castings directly from the dolomite.
The RIMA Group, demonstrating its innovative spirit is the first company in the sector to migrate to the Free Energy Market, an important step towards managing Electric Energy, one of its main inputs. -
The RIMA Group signs important contracts for the supply of pressure-injected magnesium parts with the Brazilian and South American automobile industry, installs 9 new injection molding machines in its new die casting plant and becomes the largest magnesium die caster in Latin America and one of the biggest in the world. Its revolutionary process of using Molten Magnesium fully integrated with the primary magnesium plant, becomes an icon to the Magnesium industry worldwide.
Research begins on genetic improvement of Rima's forest plantations, where eucalyptus plantations of various origins and species were introduced to select superior trees with ideal characteristics for the production of bioreductants used in the company's manufacturing units.
RIMA Energética was created and authorized by ANEEL. The group's trading company is responsible for managing all energy contracts and expanding its energy supply through long-term contracts and renewable energy projects. RIMA has a mission to have at least 50% of its energy needs supplied by solar and wind sources in the next 10 years. -
RIMA receives certifications ISO 9001:2015 for the VZP Varzea da PalmaUnit, ISO 9001:2015 for the CAP Capitão Eneas Unit, and ISO 9001:2015 for the ODG Olhos D’água Unit.
RIMA Industrial S/A, under the administration of Ricardo Antonio Vicintin, takes an important step towards the preservation of the Januária Region Ecosystem, one of the poorest in the state of Minas Gerais, transforming approximately 39,000 acres into a Private Natural Heritage Reserve (RPPN), the largest RPPN in the State of Minas Gerais. -
The RIMA Group definitely enters the automotive sector as a specialized industry with the creation of UMM (Machining and Assembly of Engines), a path taken by the natural evolution of the company, whose philosophy is always to add value and technology to its products. This industrial unit is equipped with the most modern machinery and means of control, and meets all the demands of the automobile market. With assured quality and bold profile for new businesses, the UMM unit becomes a partner of the largest automotive groups in the world.
In March, the RIMA Group became the first mining and metallurgical company in the world to have an approved project for the sale of carbon credits. The project was approved by the United Nations (UN) and reduces 35 thousand tons of CO2 from the atmosphere per year, which is equivalent to planting 350 thousand trees annually.
Investments continue in new techniques for producing coal and using energy from biomass.
Solar Grade Silicon technology is developed, a product with high added value. -
The RIMA Group installs in Bocaiúva a new unit for aluminum smelting and injection of aluminum parts under pressure (Die Casting) to supply parts, mainly for the automobile industry, becoming one of the few die casters in the world with capacity and technology to supply both Magnesium and Aluminum castings (light metals).
We begin to supply engine blocks of the highest quality standard and are able to meet the demand of any type of machined part or assembled engines, offering state-of-the-art technology and reliability. -
RIMA receives ISO 14001:2015 certification for the ODG Olhos d’água Unit.
RIMA receives OHSAS 18001:2007 certification for the ODG Olhos d’água Unit and ISO 14001:2015 for the CAP Capitão Eneas Unit.
In June 2014 during the Annual Conference of the International Magnesium Association in Munich RIMA receives the IMA 2014 Awards of Excellence and Environmental Responsibility, as an international recognition for the production of Primary Metallic Magnesium with the lowest greenhouse gas emissions worldwide. RIMA's Magnesium Metal continues to be considered the "greenest" in the world, according to an updated LCA (Life Cycle Assessment) study conducted by the International Magnesium Association in 2020.
RIMA receives ISO-TS certification for the FSP (Die Casting) Unit. -
RIMA receives FSC certification for Buritizeiro and ISO 14001:2015 for the Bocaiúva plant.
RIMA receives IATF certification for FSP Unit (Change from ISO-TS to IATF).
Seven eucalyptus clones developed by the forestry division were registered with the Ministry of Agriculture, Livestock and Supply (MAPA), from the genetic improvement started with the seminal plantations in 2002, when gains in quality and productivity were achieved with homogeneous and larger forests resistant to bad weather that occurs in the North of Minas where the company's plantations are located. A second generation of controlled pollination clones is already in the final stages of research and will be available in the next 4 years.
The RIMA Group inaugurates its newest furnace for the production of Silicon Metal, one of the largest in the world, at the Capitão Enéas unit. Both this and the other furnaces for the production of Silicon Metal and Ferroalloys of RIMA Group use as raw material bio-reductants produced by the group.
RIMA certifications
Rima has the main certifications in the market, solidifying its credibility and recognition for a quality work and for the constant search to do better and more sustainable work.